Posts by Jane Lyons
Watch successful launch of The Midway Point
The National Marine Science Committee (NMSC) launched the National Marine Science Plan 2015–2025: The Midway Point yesterday. The online event drew 164 attendees and was supported by the Hon Sussan Ley, Minister for Environment, and the Hon Melissa Price, Minister for Defence Industry, Minister for Science and Technology. The report was also distributed to federal…
Read MoreAustralia’s Oceans 11 – marine science priorities to enable the blue economy and Australia’s economic recovery
The future of marine science in Australia, and its recent achievements, has been laid out in a new report by the country’s leading marine and coastal research organisations. Today, the National Marine Science Committee (NMSC) released its report The Midway Point, a detailed look at the sector’s progress in achieving eight recommendations first described in…
Read MoreSeabed mapping highly valuable for blue economy growth
Seabed mapping data directly contributed $9 billion to the Australian economy and employed over 56,000 FTEs in 2018-19, a recent Geoscience Australia (GA) report has found. This economic contribution was the result of marine industries and organisations using seabed mapping data to support navigation, exploration and research. Industries and organisations included commercial fishing, tourism, national…
Read MoreOnline launch of The Midway Point
On Tuesday 23 November, the National Marine Science Committee (NMSC) will launch the culmination of our past year’s work, the National Marine Science Plan 2015-2025: The Midway Point. We’ll also publish a revamped NMSC website. The Midway Point is a review and progress update of the National Marine Science Plan 2015-2025. The NMSC launched this…
Read MoreNMSC webinar on the value of marine industries and science
On 16 September, the National Marine Science Committee (NMSC) hosted a webinar on the value of marine industries and sciences to the Australian economy. Around 50 marine stakeholders gathered to hear the following speakers and topics: Dr Lyndon Llewellyn, Australian Institute of Marine Science (AIMS) — the AIMS Marine Index 2020, an annual valuation of…
Read MoreOffshore wind key to Australia’s clean future
In July 2021, the Blue Economy CRC, CSIRO, the Institute for Sustainable Futures, Saitec Offshore and the Maritime Union of Australia released a research report on the potential of Australia’s offshore wind. This article is reposted with kind permission from the Blue Economy Cooperative Research Centre (CRC) The Offshore Wind Energy in Australia report has…
Read MoreThe Great Barrier Reef — dying, doomed or doing just fine?
In July, Paul Hardistry, CEO of the Australian Institute of Marine Science and a NMSC member, wrote an opinion piece on the state of the Reef for The Australian. In it, he highlights the diametrically opposed and equally false messages that commentators drew from an AIMS monitoring report on the Reef. The Reef, he argued,…
Read MoreInnovation for the blue economy
The Australian Government Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade ‘innovationXchange’ and CSIRO hosted an Innovation for the Blue Economy Workshop in August 2015. It assembled blue economy experts from around Australia to discuss challenges and barriers to economic growth in our oceans as well as uncover highly innovative ideas that promote sustainable development in the…
Read MoreGet your research on RV Investigator
The next big discovery in marine science may be waiting for you on board RV Investigator. This state-of-the-art research vessel provides marine researchers with an exciting opportunity to conduct research in Australia’s vast ocean estate. With a range of 10 000 nautical miles and the ability to scan the deepest corners of the ocean, Investigator…
Read MoreLatest figures out on Australia’s growing blue economy
This month the Australian Institute of Marine Science’s latest AIMS Index of Marine Industry was released. The 2016 report says Australia’s marine industries now contribute more than $74 billion directly and indirectly to the annual national gross domestic product. The AIMS Index of Marine Industry was developed to provide a biennial update of the economic…
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